Okay this is my pandering post. I have spent the last 20 years trying to find and outlet for all these aspects of the society I live in that do not make sense, seem at the least suicidal and at very least contradictory. As well as all the little screams whirling around in between my ears. So now, with little else to do that rant into the endless, dark, anonymous cavern that is the internets I explore anyone who reads this blog to do something of which the scale of action is totally up to you (the reader).
I have pleaded with teachers, published authors, anyone who may know anything about how to write pleasingly and/ or just the basics of how to start the long road of getting published or just getting my voice heard. Nothin'. Is it some secret right of passage? I've googled the shit out of it.... still nothin'.

Honesty in a world of thieves seems to be the worst policy, but i have not been able to find any other "set" of "rules" so what is a scared little rabbit like me to do?
I don't think that what i say or feel is particularly "wrong" in that no one, so far, has said so much to counter anything i say with a reasonably valid argument (grunting in disgust i don't count as an intelligible refutation)... I may not be "right" whatever the fuck that means (other than judgement from a myopic POV), so I can only assume that I am neither wrong nor right but just a tiny voice crying out for something as magical as a brilliant man in a blue box or some sort of comfort... Is that so outlandish or unreasonable?
As a result of feeling so poorly placated and ultimately ignored I have been witness to a slow and agonizing crystallization of the only meaningful & fluid thing i ever really had to give in the first place, harden into cold deadly stone; love.
So in my best-est, most heartfelt plea... If you like what i say, pass it along. If you really like what i say & happen to know someone in publishing... pass my words on to them.
I know philosophy is functionally dead... but just in case...
xoxxx, John Donne II
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