Those goddamn left-wingnut hippies are almost as bad as their loathed polar opposite the uber-"conservative" right. Although I fear the conservatives (what are they conserving anyway? All I can come up with is thought) more than the hippies, they are both guilty of the same intellectual treason.
That treason I speak of is that the hard-line stance each takes concerning their cause is so blind that more often than not, it seems, such a stance both isolates anyone from outside said position to remain locked out, and to make matters worse, these positions are further isolating in that they can often deny many forms of practical resolution to the "problems" that each stance seeks to solve...
Cases in point:
Vegan-ism. This shit is just retarded. There is nothing healthy about a protein deficient diet. Stuffing yourself with soy or beans & rice with every meal leaves little room in your regiment for vitamins... besides don't plants have "souls" too? Isn't eating the fetuses for fruiting bushes & trees paramount to practicing 2nd trimester abortions for the purpose of hors d'oeuvres (consider the word root of oeuvre, lol)? And if all that isn't enough... look in the mirror and smile... now start at your central incisors (front two teeth) and count two back... holy shit! Cuspids! WTF are those for? oh yeah, MEAT. Dear vegans, you are not saving anything except yourself - from a healthy, natural and well balanced diet.
Climate change in regard to fossil fuels. I don't even know where to begin on this one. It's such a huge and complicated problem that anyone who champions anything close to a unilateral option is too stupid for words. The two most significant factors but by no means the only ones, in my opinion, are the two you rarely hear about. First, the extra 5.5 billion people that showed up in the past 100 years. Did we discover two extra planet Earths to feed all these people? Or did the Green Revolution backfire completely in regards to it's intended use? We weren't supposed to make more people, we were supposed to feed all the starving ones we already had, back in the 70's...
Second, this overpopulation is in combination with the culture of waste the developed western societies are advertising (quite successfully) to the rest of the world under the guise of capitalism. Do you have any idea how much totally useable shit is just thrown out into landfills because it's dirty and unattractive to refill the plastic jug, or because it's no longer shiny, or because something NEW-er is now for sale? Or all those food wrappers and containers... Think about all the trees and barrels of oil and such that are disposed of because the can of beverage is empty or the take-out meal has been consumed... The smaller issues like renewable energy, recycling, carbon footprints and other laughable shit like that are so secondary in that the overall effect of successfully tackling any one of those issues would be almost nil in the grand scheme of the overall problem.
Anyone still remember the three R's? Let me give you a hint, Recycle is the last one as it is the least effective...
In the middle is a good one but still not the best. It's Re-Use...
Brain burning yet? What is the most effective way to save yourself time, energy and money? AND save the Ocean?.. and the cute little creatures?.. and the rain forests?..
Reduce! Reduce use... reduce people... reduce "green house gasses" that lead to Global Climate Destabilization (not "global warming" or "climate change", as these are pre-existing natural cycles so when you misuse scientific terminology you just sound like a dunce; i.e. it's NOT global warming, stupid)...
Yet another example of of those goddamn hippies making reasonable solutions into galactically moronic death-spirals no one in their right mind would knowingly commit to...
The "Occupy ______" movements. From reading statements and talking to members, it is clear that they agree that the 1% with the highest consolidation of wealth are "bad,"but there it little cohesion beyond that, especially when it comes to any form of solution. There also seems to be some confusion amongst the whole concerning history...
...Historically, it's always been that way. That's the nature of money, it's consolidated at the top. Anyone familiar with the distribution of wealth when it came to the rule of kings, tzars, popes, pharaohs etc. The pitiful masses are too divided, scatter brained & short-sighted to manage that much economic power... Consider most powerball lottery winners; most of them are broke as dirt within just a few years of winning those millions. If you aren't conditioned through your entire life, or through a ruthless study and labor of acquiring and building a fortune; odds are you won't have the skill set to manage more than a few paychecks at a time. The 1% earned that money by fleecing and manipulating it from the near thoughtless whimsey of the masses. So let them keep it.
Just to make this clear; who were the idiots that thought there was even such thing as a 0% interest loan to buy? Don't you know what a loan is? So, blame the housing bubble (and subsequent collapse) on your own inability to understand how money works.
If no one was dumb enough to think that there is such thing as a free loan to buy, there never would have been a housing bubble to make worthless credit default swap ponzi scheme investments in, thus no economic collapse... so before you blame someone else for the situation you find yourself in, you'd better be damn sure your shit really does smell like roses first. See, the 1% is actually entitled to all that worthless money as you peons gave it to them willingly in the first place...
... the list could go on, but I think you are starting to get the point.
That treason I speak of is that the hard-line stance each takes concerning their cause is so blind that more often than not, it seems, such a stance both isolates anyone from outside said position to remain locked out, and to make matters worse, these positions are further isolating in that they can often deny many forms of practical resolution to the "problems" that each stance seeks to solve...
Cases in point:
Vegan-ism. This shit is just retarded. There is nothing healthy about a protein deficient diet. Stuffing yourself with soy or beans & rice with every meal leaves little room in your regiment for vitamins... besides don't plants have "souls" too? Isn't eating the fetuses for fruiting bushes & trees paramount to practicing 2nd trimester abortions for the purpose of hors d'oeuvres (consider the word root of oeuvre, lol)? And if all that isn't enough... look in the mirror and smile... now start at your central incisors (front two teeth) and count two back... holy shit! Cuspids! WTF are those for? oh yeah, MEAT. Dear vegans, you are not saving anything except yourself - from a healthy, natural and well balanced diet.

In the middle is a good one but still not the best. It's Re-Use...
Brain burning yet? What is the most effective way to save yourself time, energy and money? AND save the Ocean?.. and the cute little creatures?.. and the rain forests?..

Yet another example of of those goddamn hippies making reasonable solutions into galactically moronic death-spirals no one in their right mind would knowingly commit to...
The "Occupy ______" movements. From reading statements and talking to members, it is clear that they agree that the 1% with the highest consolidation of wealth are "bad,"but there it little cohesion beyond that, especially when it comes to any form of solution. There also seems to be some confusion amongst the whole concerning history...

Just to make this clear; who were the idiots that thought there was even such thing as a 0% interest loan to buy? Don't you know what a loan is? So, blame the housing bubble (and subsequent collapse) on your own inability to understand how money works.

... the list could go on, but I think you are starting to get the point.
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