At times (lately,more often than not) it seems I live in a country of moronic bureaucrats and brainless administrators…
For example this article in the NY Times (click to read); "After Pinpointing Gun Owners, Journal News is a Target"
This is a classic example of what I have come to dub the "I want it both ways (so long as you're never in the right)" mode of new thinking.
So here is some background music for your thinking; (song of freedom)
I have had to suffer from this form of un-logic as long as I can remember - since roughly the age of five... It's a terrible reality to attempt to maneuver through and I admit, I flat out gave up after ten years... and now after another 15, I'm just sick of it... ergo this blog which is basically a huge FUCK YOU to all these double-talking bastards.
...but I digress...

Back to the point, and article... It seems here that the gun owners in this article can't decide on what they want, so it seems as if they have chosen to bitch about everything instead of pick a side and stick with it.
No one appears to have argued that gun registrations shouldn't be a matter of public record, just that the public records shouldn't be made public...
This is odd as it seems to accomplish every body's wishes.
Really my favorite part of this article is where,
"Scott Sommavilla, president of the 35,000-member Westchester County
Firearm Owners Association, said... 'They’re (the gun owners) really upset about it (the list/map). They’re afraid for their
The last half of this article is the part that makes me quite ill...
When you are held to the standards of the law and public concern over gun ownership in the wake of the Sandy shooting, and you disagree with this... you don't write a letter to the editor peacefully expressing your concern, nor do you contact a lawyer or write a congressman... the first thing you do is to threaten the journalists (protected by one of those other pesky amendments to the Constitution) and their children (just sooooo wrong, and possibly illegal, and definitely in poor taste) with violence.
Way to make your point...
The message I get from this outrage is that these vocal gun owners want the law to justify their gun ownership in the name of protection (damn you, second amendment!), but everyone else shouldn't be given the same protection, in order to arm themselves with knowledge, of where at least some of the guns are around their homes...
The moral of the story... welcome to the United States of Fear & Contradiction... where limited government should apply to me and mine, but should exist for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on those of whom I disagree with because they are a threat to "freedom"...
For example this article in the NY Times (click to read); "After Pinpointing Gun Owners, Journal News is a Target"
This is a classic example of what I have come to dub the "I want it both ways (so long as you're never in the right)" mode of new thinking.
So here is some background music for your thinking; (song of freedom)
I have had to suffer from this form of un-logic as long as I can remember - since roughly the age of five... It's a terrible reality to attempt to maneuver through and I admit, I flat out gave up after ten years... and now after another 15, I'm just sick of it... ergo this blog which is basically a huge FUCK YOU to all these double-talking bastards.
...but I digress...

Back to the point, and article... It seems here that the gun owners in this article can't decide on what they want, so it seems as if they have chosen to bitch about everything instead of pick a side and stick with it.
No one appears to have argued that gun registrations shouldn't be a matter of public record, just that the public records shouldn't be made public...
This is odd as it seems to accomplish every body's wishes.
- The concerned citizens now have easy access to information as to who and where registered gun owners are... i.e. I don't want my kid playing over at Johnny Doe's house because there is a gun there...
- Potential home buyers can look at said map and see if they would live in a gun crazy neighborhood or not. If they want to feel safe... either believing that more guns do or don't accomplish safety, this makes its an easily visible choice...
- Also if they wanted to compare said map to a similar map criminal gun violence, that would also be an indicator of how many unregistered gun owners there might be...
- OR just how trigger happy the locals are...
- In the wake of the last 10 or so gun violence events over the holiday season that made national headlines, people may just actually want to know where gun owners are at... it's all perfectly legal anyway... And if you don't like the laws of the land, write or run for office and change them legally... or just move to a country where the law is more blatantly an entrepreneurial enterprise, say some Central American countries...
- If you are so concerned about "the public" knowing you have a gun wouldn't you just have rather purchased and unlicensed one anyway? Or is the law only for your benefit?
- And finally, hey all you gun owners that justify gun ownership in the name of home defense, now that there is actually the real possibility of imminent threat, your legal gun ownership is now statistically closer to being justified... as your house is now an easy target for someone to break into, armed, for the purpose of stealing your gun, thus giving you the justification for having it in the first place... Wait, wouldn't then this map actually add security to your home as a potential home invader would want to avoid a house where the residents are armed? duhhhhhh...

Uhhhh. You own guns for the sake of protection...
and now that it is easier to find out that you are a gun owner, you're
afraid?!?!?!?!? Afraid of what? Other gun owners? Does this make anyone else's
brain ache? I find myself slamming my head against the desk I am seated at...
The last half of this article is the part that makes me quite ill...
When you are held to the standards of the law and public concern over gun ownership in the wake of the Sandy shooting, and you disagree with this... you don't write a letter to the editor peacefully expressing your concern, nor do you contact a lawyer or write a congressman... the first thing you do is to threaten the journalists (protected by one of those other pesky amendments to the Constitution) and their children (just sooooo wrong, and possibly illegal, and definitely in poor taste) with violence.
“It sparked a conversation that needed to occur
in this country, and it revealed tactics that will be employed when gun owners
feel their rights are threatened,” The Journal News’s features editor, Mary
Dolan, said.
Way to make your point...
The message I get from this outrage is that these vocal gun owners want the law to justify their gun ownership in the name of protection (damn you, second amendment!), but everyone else shouldn't be given the same protection, in order to arm themselves with knowledge, of where at least some of the guns are around their homes...
So, the choices here seem rather clear.
Gun owner's:
- Don't worry about it. It's not that big a deal. Now the public knows you are packing heat, and that you are NOT to be fucked with...
- If it is that big a deal, and guns are that much of a danger and a social stigma...

- Don't own registered gun's; you won't be on the list, and you keep your "precious." Just buy your guns at estate or garage sales, off Craigslist, or some other similarly, totally unregulated point of sale...
- Don't own guns period.
- Ban together and change the laws, so that you don't need to be registered and anyone (even the "crazies"- look in the mirror much?) can buy whatever they want.
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